Frequently Asked Questions ?

If you have been running the application for many years, you may have periods during which no stats were recorded. For example in versions of OJS 2. You may be able to recover these stats if you have the Apache access logs from this period.

PHP Safe Mode is not a recommended configuration and may not function properly. This is because in some configurations it will cause PHP’s function to create directories that cannot thereafter be read or written because of file permissions. This is a limitation of Safe Mode and may prevent you from using OJS in a Safe Mode environment.mkdir()

This is a theme option. If you theme supports it, you can enable it at Settings > Website > Appearance > Theme.

Your server — or your local development environment — must meet the following requirements in order to run the 3.4 release of OJS, OMP or OPS.
PHP 8.0+ with php-mbstring, php-xml, and php-intl enabled
MySQL 5.7.22+, MariaDB 4.1+ or PostgreSQL 9.5+
Linux, or one of the following: BSD, Solaris, Mac OS X, Windows

This happens when the amount of data you are trying to download exceeds the server’s capacity to deliver it. This can be resolved by trying to download a smaller data set, for example reducing the date range, or by increasing the server’s resource (for example PHP’s or ).memory_limitmax_execution_time

Automated bots may register fake user accounts. To deter this, configure the software to require validation of the email address for all new user accounts. In the section of , edit the following settings.[email]config.inc.php
require_validation = On
validation_timeout = 14

The software must run some tasks every day, such as compiling usage statistics. You should set up a cron job to run the following command once a day.
php tools/runScheduledTasks.php
If you are unable to configure this cron job, you must enable the Acron plugin after you have installed the software.

Every installation needs to have a secure files directory to ensure that private files, like unpublished submissions, can not be accessed by unauthorized users.
The directory must be outside of the web root. This is the root directory that someone accesses when they visit your domain name. For example, if you installed the application to , the files directory should not be in ./var/www/var/www
Check the setting in the file. If it is within the web root, create a directory outside of the web root and modify the configuration file to point to this directory.files_dirconfig.inc.php
files_dir =

Every site should encrypt it’s web traffic using a SSL certificate. This will make your site run from instead of . If you don’t have a SSL certificate, you should get one.https://http://
Edit the file to force URLs to use SSL:config.inc.php